Adirondack Railroad returns to Old Forge

Utica, NY – Repairs to the railway from Utica to Old Forge following the major storms on August 8 were completed on August 16, restarting regular passenger excursion services as planned on August 17, 2023.
“The efforts and collaboration from suppliers, our business partner New York State Department of Transportation, and staff and volunteers were extraordinary,” said Frank Kobliski, President, and General Manager. “This makes possible the return to service of about 75 percent of our scheduled trains, in time for the upcoming foliage season,” he added.
Kobliski said services to and from Tupper Lake remain suspended while work continues at the two sites north of Old Forge where damage was severe. Customers are asked to check on the railroad’s website for the re-start of Tupper Lake service.
The Adirondack Railway Preservation Society, Inc. (ARPS) operates the Adirondack Railroad. It is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) volunteer-based organization with main offices in Utica, New York. Since 1992 it has provided a memorable experience for more than 1.85 million passengers, operating on the former New York Central Adirondack Division located in upstate New York.